Decolonizing Representations
How can students and faculty engage in digital knowledge production as critical users and as meaningful producers of digital technologies? Through this two-day workshop, students and faculty will learn to do both.
It further pushes the history-technology connection through inviting participants to tell their own stories and design their own future speculations of what campus could look like if it were inclusive of some of the diverse voices and visions that are inherent to the university community and Gainesville at-large.
Landmarks structure environments, and they are central to how a space is conceptualized and perceived. They form anchors and reference points for orientation and for communication. Thus, the stories that are connected to the landmarks are significant and can serve to recolonize or decolonize the historical record. Through digital technologies and through 3-D printing, alternative histories can be crafted as told through specific objects, meeting points, and routes that offer counter-narratives that better represent some of the diverse histories of the University of Florida.
Evoking Silver River
Humans, plants, and animals dwell, and they travel; sometimes they are moved. Where they intermingle are spaces that form rich junctures of mobility, sensuality and impressions that together evoke senses of place, which are intimately connected to ideas of being and belonging. I have been awarded a NEH-Mellon Fellowship for Digital Publication to craft a multimodal ethnography of the Silver River, specifically the three chapter-layers: 1) Being, 2) Belonging and 3) Becoming. To better interpret the ontological subject of being the Silver River, and the political potential of the pluriverse that entails, this project represents poetically and therein politically the borderlands of Silver River as a protagonist with its explicit fragmented aspects of identity: temporal, cross-cultural and multispecies. I use evocative ethnography, a decolonial, feminist visual anthropology approach that I have pioneered, to craft this interactive, web-based, mixed-media monograph that offers theoretically rich analyses coupled with poetic experiments and interpretive experiences to query: Who belongs in the borderlands of Florida’s Silver River? In an era of global conservation and development and the contemporary U.S. political climate, unpacking notions of belonging is paramount: lives are at stake.
I explore the sensuality, impressions and communications that are evoked through senses of place, people, multispecies encounters and touch through emerging practices of experiential and experimental devices. My work highlights lived experiences where dichotomies and divisions are blurred, attending instead to emotional textures of intimacy, soundscapes of embodied, sensous ways of knowing and local knowledge that does not privilege solely the agency of human actors nor rely primarily on a linear narrative and didactic logic. This academic-artistic endeavor is aimed at bringing feminist, decolonial ways of knowing the world to the forefront. Toward this effort, I propose a methodological intervention that I call Evocative Ethnography, which favors a sensorial realm to explore, interpret and share research. My current research projects include Embodiment & Emplacement as Integral to Knowledge Construction, Somatic Communication, African Descendants in the Americas, Multispecies Ethnography, Decolonial and Feminist Epistemologies, & Visual Anthropology Methods (collection, analysis and dissemination).
Long considered ground zero for global climate change in the United States, Florida presents the perfect case study for disaster risk and prevention. Building on the idea that disasters are produced by historical and contemporary social processes as well as natural phenomena, Amanda D. Concha-Holmes and Anthony Oliver-Smith present a collection of ethnographic case studies that examine the social and environmental effects of Florida’s public and private sector development policies. Contributors to Disasters in Paradise explore how these practices have increased the vulnerability of Floridians to hurricanes, tornadoes, floods, droughts, frosts, and forest fires.
Cuban Cabildos, Cultural Politics, and Cultivating a Transnational Yoruba Citizenry
Senses of HumaNature on Florida’s Silver River: Evocative Ethnography to Craft Place
Migration, Diasporas, and the Importance of Local Knowledge
cv & experience
• Ph.D. Cultural Anthropology, Visual and Ecological / Religion and Nature, University of Florida.
Dissertation: Who is Nature? Yoruba Religion and Ecology in Cuba, Aug 2010.
Chair: Faye Harrison & Co-Chair Mike Heckenberger; Committee Members: Marilyn Thomas-Houston, Marianne Schmink and Bron Taylor.
My doctoral research is in response to the general academic need to examine how black histories have been conceived and represented. Scholars must find more culturally appropriate methods to interpret African ecological knowledge systems in order to improve our understanding of shifting, multisited, multivocal and multisensorial landscapes especially concerning human-nature relationships. Instead of folklore, I look to the Osainistas (healers and herbalists initiated into the secrets of Osain) in Cuba as possible partners in a conversation in collaborative conservation. In contemporary times of quickly disappearing neotropical forests, these results are significant not only to the current debate on the politics of conceptualizing and conserving nature, but also to collaborative, community-based conservation and development endeavors.
• M.A. Latin American Studies / Tropical Conservation and Development, University of Florida, May 2003.
Thesis: Resident Perspectives of Ecotourism as a Tool for Community-Based Development: Case Study of Arroyo Surdido, Samaná, Dominican Republic.
Chair: J. Richard Stepp; Committee Members: Taylor Stein and Sandra Russo.
• B.A. (Foreign Languages), New College - the Honors College of Florida, May 1997.
Thesis: Foreign Language Pedagogy.
Advisor: John Moore; Committee Members: Heidi Harley and Glen Cuomo
African Descendants in the Americas;
Multispecies Ethnography;
Embodiment & Emplacement as Integral to Knowledge Construction;
Decolonial and Feminist Epistemologies;
Visual Anthropology Methods (collection, analysis and dissemination).
Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales (FLACSO) Sede Ecuador (Departamento de Antropologia, Historia y Humanidades, Maestría de Antropología Visual).
Profesora Asociada:
- Antropología de Genero, Summer 2015.
- Cuerpo y Sociedad, Spring 2015.
- Métodos Cualitativos, Spring 2014, Fall 2015.
- Taller I para diseñar la propuesta de la tesis, Spring 2014, Fall 2015.
- Técnicas para Antropologxs Visuales, Summer 2014.
- Visualidad, Arte, y Antropología Contemporanea, Fall 2013, Fall 2015.
University of Florida
- Lecturer for Honors Program, IDH 3931: (Un)Common Reading Program: Ecosenses and Environmental Justice, Spring 2013.
New College: the Honors College of Florida
- Adjunct Assistant Professor: HumaNature: Reifications, Roots and Resonance, Spring 2012.
University of Florida
- Teaching Associate ANT 4403 Environment and Cultural Behavior, Summer A 2007, 2008, 2009; Spring 2010.
- Teaching Assistant, ANT 3302 Gender in Cross-Cultural Perspectives, Fall
- Head Teaching Assistant ANT 2301 Human Sexuality and Culture, Fall
- Teaching Assistant ANT 2301 Human Sexuality and Culture, Spring 2007- Fall 2008
- Teaching and Research Assistant, Latin American Studies Department Spring 2002 - 2003.
- Teaching Assistant, Latin American Studies Department, MUH 2501 Introduction to World Music, Fall 2001.
The Achievement Center
- Teacher of World Religions, English, Spanish, and French, The Achievement Center, Sarasota, Fl. Dec 1996- May 1998.
Volunteer and Community Service
- Applied Visual & Ecological Anthropologist, Greater Immokalee Southside Front Porch Community, Inc, Immokalee, FL. Summer 2012 – 2014.
- Applied Visual & Ecological Anthropologist, Silver River State Park, Spring 2013.
- Volunteer Tutor, Bethune Community School, Immokalee, FL. Fall 1999 - Spring 2000.
- Volunteer Tutor, College of Central Florida, Fall 1992 - Spring 1993.
Workshops and Laboratories Created & Facilitated
- Publishing Professors, FLACSO (Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales), Mar 2015 –present.
- Digital Ethnography Laboratory, FLACSO (Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales), Jan 2015-present
- Race and Diversity in the Classroom, Florida School of Massage, Fall 2010
- FLaVA (Florida Visual Anthropologists), University of Florida, 2008 – 2010.
- Final Cut Pro for Beginners, University of Florida, Fall 2009
- Intermediate Final Cut Pro, University of Florida, Fall 2009
Editorial Experience:
- Visual Anthropology Review, 2014, American Anthropological Association.
- Íconos: Revista de Ciencias Sociales, 2014, FLACSO (Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales)
- Polymath: An Interdisciplinary Arts and Sciences Journal, 2012, University of Southern Illinois
- International Journal of Africana Studies: Sustaining Black Studies, 2010, National Council for Black Studies
- Journal for the Society of Religion, Nature and Culture, 2008-2009, University of Florida
- Videographer and Podcaster
- Florida Farmworkers Association, Spring 2013.
- Alachua County Environmental Protection Department, League of Women Voters of Alachua County, and University of Florida Water Institute, Fall
- University of Florida Low-Impact Development, Gainesville Regional Utilities and St. John’s River Water Management District, Summer and Fall 2011.
- Florida School of Massage, Summer and Fall 2010, Spring 2011.
- African Studies Cultural Heritage Management, Fall 2007.
- International Society of Religion, Nature & Culture Conference, 2006-2010.
- Sustainability in Florida Conference, Fall 2006.
- Co-Chair, Religion, Science and the Future Project, Fall 2010- Spring 2011.
- Travel Assistant and Language Interpreter, Travel Studies Abroad (Paris), Mar 1998 – 2010.
- Research Consultant, University of Mississippi Turning the Tide on Poverty, Spring 2012 – 2014.
- Research Consultant, University of Florida Bureau of Economic and Business Research, Spring 2012 – Summer 2012
- Postdoctoral Research Associate, University of Florida Agricultural Education and Communication, Spring 2011 - 2012.
- Research Consultant and Ethnographer, El Niño Southern Oscillation Project, InterAmerican Institute for Global Change Research (IAI). Gainesville, FL. Jan 2002 – 2006.
- Intern and Ethnographer, Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS), Gainesville, FL. Nov 2001 - 2003.
- Editor and Research Assistant, The World Conservation Union/ University of Florida (IUCN/UF), Gainesville, FL. Jun 2000 - May 2001.
Forthcoming Book:
- Concha-Holmes, Amanda and Anthony Oliver-Smith, eds. 2018. Disaster in Paradise: Climate Change, Social Vulnerability and the Future. Lexington Books: An Imprint of the Rowman Littlefield Publishing Group.
- Concha-Holmes, Amanda. 2015. “Senses of HumaNature on Florida’s Silver River: Evocative Ethnography to Craft Place” Visual Anthropology Review. 31(1): 56-66.
- Concha-Holmes, 2014. “Cuban Cabildos, Cultural Politics, and Cultivating a Transnational Yoruba Citizenry.” Cultural Anthropology. 28(3): 490-503.
- Concha-Holmes, Amanda. 2012. “Decolonizing the Imaging of African-Derived Religions” in Bernd Reiter and Kimberly Simmons, eds. Afro-Descendants, Identity, and the Struggle for Development in the Americas. Michigan State University Pp 243-267.
- Holmes, Amanda. 2008. “Cuban Voices On Being Cuban and the Future in Cuba.” Transforming Anthropology: Journal of the Association of Black Anthropologists. 16(1): 70-71.
- Barborak, J.R., J.D. Peskin, G.R. Mueller, D. Holmes, and C. Suarez. 2002. Community involvement in managing protected areas of the MesoAmerican barrier reef system—How real is it? Policy Matters: Sustainable Livlihoods and Co-Management of Natural Resources. IUCN Commission on Environmental, Economic and Social Policy. Issue 10.
Peer-Reviewed Article Under Review:
- Concha-Holmes, Amanda. “Osain in Translation: Video, Embodied Epistemology and Yoruba Religion and Ecology” for FIRE!!! the Multimedia Journal of Black Studies. An ASALH (The Association of African American Life and History) Publication.
Published Articles:
- Holmes, Amanda December 2008. Yoruba Religion and Ecology in Cuba. Forum on Religion and Ecology Newsletter.
- Oliver-Smith, Anthony, Amanda Holmes, Byron Real, Christopher Berry, Sarah Cervone, Joanna Reilly-Brown, and Astrid Wigidal. 2005. Patterns and Processes of Vulnerability to Hazards in Florida. El Niño Southern Oscillation Project, InterAmerican Institute for Global Change Research (IAI).
- Barborak, James R., David Buck, Kristen Conway, Amanda Holmes, Jerry Mueller, Paula Posas and Byron Real. 2003. “El Manejo Participativo de las Areas Protegidas: Situación y Perspectivas en el Ecuador y Paises Vecinos.” Wildlife Conservation Society, Gainesville, FL.
- Barborak, J., A. Holmes, G.R. Mueller, and J. Peskin. 2002. “Community Involvement in Establishment, Planning, and Management of GEF Priority Protected Areas in the Mesoamerican Barrier Reef System.” Gainesville, FL. Wildlife Conservation Society for the World Bank.
Published Manuals:
- Concha-Holmes, Amanda. 2015. Comunicación Intercultural y la Comunicación Con Voz
Propia para la Formación de Agentes Culturales, Laboratorio de Interculturalidad FLACSO &
CARE International.
Evocative Ethnography:
- Concha-Holmes, Evoking Silver River (3:25, 2015)
- Concha-Holmes, Mimesis, Alterity and ExpandedSelf (
- Concha-Holmes, Amanda. Senses of Silver River (5:55, 2014)
- Concha-Holmes, Amanda. Un/Shared Worlds: Human Boaters and Rhesus Macaques on Florida’s Silver River (4:48, 2013)
- Concha-Holmes, Amanda. Alberto’s Memories of Crossing Borders: Guantánamo, Cuba (14:24, 2013)
- Concha-Holmes, Amanda with Marcela Martinez. Touch, Heal, Learn: Empower and Transform at the Florida School of Massage (26 minutes, 2010).
- Holmes, Amanda and FLaVA (Florida Visual Anthropologists) Gainesville Farmers Market: A Possible Economic Alternative (23 minutes, 2009).
- Holmes, Amanda & Lisa Ogden. Market: a Microcosm of Spirit(uality) (26 minutes, 2005).
- Holmes, Amanda. Fade to Black (4 minutes, 2005).
- Holmes, Amanda. Osain in Translation: Yorùbá Religion and Ecology in Cuba (14:39 minutes, 2005).
- Holmes, Amanda, Judy Anderson, Veronica Sparks and Laura Jervis. Capoeira: Values of Family (16 minutes, 2003).
- Concha-Holmes, Amanda. The Status and Future of Our Water Supply. (2 hrs 10 min, 2011)
- Concha-Holmes, Understanding Your Soil Moisture Sensor Controllers. (19 minutes, 2011).\SMS\HomeownerEdu.html
- Holmes, Amanda. Thai Yoga Massage I Instructional Video. (1 hr 35 min, 2009).
- III Congreso Latinoamericano y Caribeño de Ciencias Sociales, FLACSO. Quito, Ecuador, 26-28 August 2015.
Invited Panel Organizer and Chair: Cuerpos, Corporalidades y Conocimientos Encarnados
Paper: Conocimientos Encarnados y la politica de bailar la cultura afro-cubana
Workshop: Taller de corporalidades y conocimientos encarnados
- Digital Ethnography: Storytelling as Community Action, Gainesville, FL Feb 2015, University of Florida
Co-organizer and Paper: Digital Ethnography
- Ciclo Cine Amazonico, January 2015, Quito, Ecuador. FLACSO
Invited Discussant: Poesía y Antropología
- Grupo de Memoria y Sentidos. January 2015, Quito, Ecuador. FLACSO
Invited Paper: Los Sentidos y Etnografia Evocativa
- Digital Worlds Institute, October 2014. Gainesville, FL, University of Florida
Invited Paper: Digital Ethnography
- Willson Center for Short Term Fellowships: Conservation and the Arts: Humans, Beings, Ecological Awakenings, 20-25 October 2014, Athens, GA. University of Georgia-Athens.
- LAND: Knowledge, Anthropology and Videography
- New Media Institute: Digital Media in Anthropology
- New Media Institute: New Media and Digital Ethnography
- Landscape Architecture: Place-making through Videography
- Latin American and Caribbean Studies: Film, Representation, and Marginalized Voices
- Workshop: Videography on the Ground and Place-making
- ICE (Ideas for Creative Exploration): Haptic Videography and Contact Dance
- Multispecies Entanglements: Engaging Visual Anthropology
- Cine Documental ANDINO, 6 May 2014, Quito, Ecuador. FLACSO
Invited Discussant: ¿Cómo nos mir-an/mos? Conversatorio sobre y con Zulay FLACSO
- Grupo de Memoria y Sentidos, 18March 2014. Quito, Ecuador. FLACSOInvited Paper: Antropología de los Sentidos: enfoque en la metodología
- Grupo de Memoria y Sentidos, 29 May 2014. Quito, Ecuador. FLACSO
Invited Paper: Metodologia: Memoria y Sentido
- Presentaciones de Investigaciones de Antropología, Historia y Humanidades, 2 July 2014, Quito, Ecuador. FLACSO
Invited Paper: Ontología y antropología visual
- II Seminario de Reflexión sobre la Investigación. Metodologías cualitativas en las Ciencias Sociales, 21 May 2014. Quito, Ecuador. FLACSO
Invited Paper: Etnografía evocativa, videografía y Yoruba en Cuba
- II Seminario de Reflexión sobre la Investigación. Metodologías cualitativas en las Ciencias Sociales, 22 Mayo 2014. Quito, Ecuador. FLACSO
Invited Paper: Descolonizar el discurso del desarrollo: raza, género e identidad de agua a través de una mirada lucumi
- Salesiana Introducción de antropología visual al convocatorio de antropología Ecuador/Quito 4 de abril de 2014
Invited Paper: Antropología Visual: Ontología, Epistemología y Metodología
- Society for Applied Anthropology (SFAA) Denver, CO.19-23 March 2013. Chair.
Entanglements of Lives: Human Encounters with Rhesus Macaques on Florida’s Silver River.
- Un/Shared Worlds: Visions of Transdisciplinary Approaches to Ecological, Economic and Arts-Based Anthropology, Denver, CO. 22 March 2013. Video: Un/Shared Worlds: Human Boaters and Rhesus Macaques on Florida’s Silver River (4:48, 2013)
- Guantánamo Public Memory Project (GTMO) NYC, NY 13-14 Dec. 2012
Video: Memories of Crossing Borders: Alberto Jones and Guantánamo, Cuba (5:03, 2012) EEUU/NYC, NY. Columbia University and NYU.
- Afro-Latin International Conference Reexamining the Black Atlantic. Tampa, FL 28-30 April 2010.
Panel: Cultural Politics
Invited Paper: Decolonizing the Image(s) of African-Derived Religions
- American Anthropological Association (AAA). Philadelphia, Penn. Dec 3-7, 2009.
Section: Society for Visual Anthropology
Invited Panel: Media-Producing Anthropologists
Paper/Video: Using Video to Translate Osain: Ways of Knowing Nature in the Yorùbá Diaspora.
- American Anthropological Association (AAA). San Francisco, Calif. 19-23 Nov. 2008.
Sponsoring Section: Association of Black Anthropologists (ABA)
Invited Panel: Engaging the African Diaspora: Race, Identity and Social Change
Paper: Videography: An Approach to Understanding African Diaspora Epistemologies
- American Academy of Religion (AAR). Chicago, IL. 31 Oct – 3 Nov 2008.
Section: Religion and Ecology
Invited Panel: New Directions in Religion and Ecology
Paper: Spirits in the Forest: Yoruba Diaspora Religion and Ecology in Cuba
Section: Teaching Religion
Panel: The Pedagogy of Dissonance: Teaching at the Borders
Paper: Spirits in the Forest: Yorùbá Religion, Ecology, and Pedagogy
- Arts Council of the African Studies Association (ACASA, 14th Triennial Symposium on African Art, Gainesville, FL 28 Mar-1 Apr 2007.
Theme: Global Africa; Panel title: (Re)Visiting Florida: Africa in our Midst
Invited Discussant
- American Anthropological Association (AAA). Denver, CO. 18-22 Nov 2015.
Panel Co-organizer: Multispecies Moralities and More-than-Human Ethical Entanglements
Paper: Multispecies Morality and HumaNature Ideologies: Interpreting Conceptions, Perceptions and Interactions along Florida’s Silver River
- Simposio Internacional sobre Mujeres Negras en América Latina y el Caribe: Escucha mi voz y transmite mi sentir. Ibarra y La Concepción, Ecuador. 22-25 July 2015.
Paper and films: Cine participativo para ilustrar la sabiduría de las marimberas de Calderón.
- The Caribbean Studies Association (CSA). New Orleans, LO. 25-29 May 2015.
Theme: The Caribbean in an Age of Global Apartheid: Fences, Boundaries, and Borders—Literal and Imagined
Film: Alberto’s Memories of Crossing Borders: Guantánamo, Cuba
- Nonhumans Conference: All Things Great and Small: Interdisciplinary Interspecies Community. Davis, CA. Nov 2014. University of California-Davis.
Paper: Interspecies relationships and ethics of environmental policies in motion
- Latin American Studies Association (LASA). Washington DC. 29 May – 1 June 2013.
Panel Co-organizer: Memories of Crossing Cuban Borders
Video: Video: Alberto’s Memories of Crossing Borders: Guantánamo, Cuba (14:24, 2013)
- American Anthropological Association (AAA). Chicago, IL. 20-24 Nov 2013.
Panel Co-organizer: Engaging Visual Anthropology in the Entangled Lives of Species
Ensayo con video: Senses of Florida's Silver River: Human Boaters, Rhesus Macaques and Visual Anthropology.
- American Anthropological Association (AAA). San Francisco, CA. 14-18 Nov 2012.
Panel: Black Cultural Citizenship in Afro-Atlantic Dialogue
Paper: Cultural Politics and Cultivating a Transnational Citizenry of Yoruba Practitioners.
Panel: Telling the Truth: Pioneer, Archeology and Emancipation Projects Then and Now
Paper (co-author): Engaged, Evocative Ethnography to Document the Unacknowledged Black Pioneers of Immokalee, Florida
- Caribbean Studies Association (CSA), Guadeloupe, 28 May – 1 June 2012.
Panel Co-Organizer: Cultural Politics of Citizenship: Social Landscapes, Participation and Belonging I and II
Paper: Grassroots Social Movements, Belonging, and Cultivating a Transnational Citizenry of Yoruba Practitioners
- Southeastern Council of Latin American Studies (SECOLAS). 29-31 Mar 2012. Gainesville, FL.
Panel: Race and Gender in the Caribbean
Paper: Decolonizing the Discourse of Development: Race, Gender and the Identity of Water through a Lucumí Lens
- University of Florida Water Institute Symposium, Gainesville, FL .15 – 16 February 2012.
Panel: Social, Behavioral, and Economic Aspects of Nutrient Management 2
Paper: Targeting Specific Audiences with Community Based Social Marketing to Improve Neighborhood Stormwater Ponds
- Purdue Annual Symposium on African American Culture & Philosophy, Indianapolis, Indiana. 1-3 December 2011.
Panel: Race and Social Movements in Latin America and the Caribbean
Paper: Decolonizing Image-ing: an Afro-Cuban Cabildo and Grassroots Social Movements
- American Anthropological Association (AAA), Montreal, Canada. 16-20 November 2011. Panel: Intentional Marginality: On the Brink of (Dis)Identifications
Paper: Diversity: How do we show a monster who is invisible?
Society for Applied Anthropology (SfAA), Seattle, Washington. 23-27 March 2011.
Video: Touch, Heal, Learn: Empower and Transform at the Florida School of Massage
- American Anthropological Association (AAA). New Orleans, LA. 17-21 Nov 2010.
Panel Co-Organizer and Chair: Challenging Representations: Racial Habitus and the Circulation of Stereotypes in Latin America and the Caribbean.
Paper: (Re) Presenting African-Derived Ecological Knowledge.
- Society for Applied Anthropology (SfAA), Mérida, Mexico. 23-27 March 2010.
Panel Organizer and Chair: Globalization and the Marginalized of the Margins in Latin America and the Caribbean
Paper: Afro-Cuban Religious Practitioners: Santeros amidst Globalization Ideology and Practice in Cuba
- International Society for the Study of Religion, Nature and Culture (ISSRNC).
3rd International Conference of the International Society for the Study of Religion, Nature and Culture (ISSRNC): Religion, Nature and Progress, Amsterdam, Holland May 2009.
Paper: Yorùbá Religion, Nature and Pedagogy: Using Video as a Tool
- Society for Applied Anthropology (SfAA), Santa Fe, New Mexico. 17-21 March 2009.
Panel Chair: Heritage, Community and Conservation
Paper: Cosmology, Conservation, Collaboration and Cuba
Video: Gainesville Farmers’ Market: A Possible Alternative (26 min, 2009)
- Conference of the Social Sciences, Gainesville, FL. 18 October 2008.
Theme: Ethnicity, Identity and Embodiment
Paper: Embodiment: An Approach to Understanding African Diaspora
- Graduate Student Council Conference, University of Florida April 2008.
Panel: Transforming Methodologies in Anthropological Research Today
Paper: Embodiment: an Approach to Understanding African Diaspora Epistemologies
- International Society for Religion, Nature and Culture, Morelia, Mexico 17- 20 Jan 2008
Paper: Cognitive mapping of nature: physical, metaphysical and ethical conceptions
Chair: Technologies of the Imagination: The Arts, “Action,” and Experience as Natural Necessity.
- International Society for the Study of Religion, Nature and Culture (ISSRNC) Gainesville, FL, 1-4 Apr 2006.
Plenary Paper and documentary Video: Osain in Translation: Yoruba Religion and Ecology
- University of Florida School of Forest Resources and Conservation
Theme: Working Forests in the Tropics: Conservation through Sustainable Management. Gainesville, FL. 25-26 Feb 2002.
Poster: Is Ecotourism the Panacea?
- Center for Biodiversity and Conservation (CBC)
Panel: Sustaining Seascapes: The Science and Policy of Marine Resource Management, New York, NY. 7- 8 Mar 2002.
Poster: Collaborative Management of the MesoAmerican Barrier Reef Project.
- Atlas-ti Qualitative Data Analysis II with Heike Wagner, FLACSO, 28 Nov- 15 Dec 2014.
- Atlas-ti Qualitative Data Analysis I with Heike Wagner, FLACSO, 16 Jun – 20 Jun 2014.
- Digital Storytelling with Tim Sorel, University of Florida School of Journalism and Communication, 11-15 July 2011.
- Social Marketing in Public Health with Carol Bryant, University of South Florida, 15-16 June 2011.
- Community-Based Social Marketing with Doug McKenzie-Mohr, University of South Florida, 18 June 2011.
- NVivo Qualitative Data Analysis, NVivo at University of Florida, 10-12 August 2010.
- Environmental Education Workshop, University of Florida,
- Participatory Methods Workshop, University of Florida,
- Gender Studies Workshop, University of Florida, 2002.
- Tropical Conservation and Development Certificate, University of Florida, 2003.
- Women’s Studies Certificate, University of Florida,
- Ecotourism Workshop, CEBSE, Samaná, Dominican Republic, 2001.
- Willson Center Short Term Visiting Fellowship, 2014, $5,000
- Wenner Gren Post-Ph.D Research Grant, 2012, $14,432
get in touch
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